Blue and red Accurate Logistics USA container shipments being transported over rail in front of mountains Blue and red Accurate Logistics USA container shipments being transported over rail in front of mountains


We create cost-saving efficiencies for your operations with intermodal transportation throughout the USA, Canada and Mexico. Our experts optimize their strategies for your freight – whether dry, temperature-sensitive, fragile, oversized, specialized and more – and coordinate with carrier and rail partners to cover every stage from pickup and drayage to delivery.

Premium road & rail services with providers who always get it right!

Accurate partners are intensively vetted to ensure they meet our high standards of professionalism. They serve as extensions of our operations, prioritizing the safety of your freight while meeting your timeline requirements.

While your goods are traveling across North America by truck or train, we remain your single point of contact offering real-time updates, around-the-clock support and liaising between our partners to deliver the best quality of service possible.

Closeup of red tractor with white trailer driving on a highway in front of palm trees in the USA